What’s the best way to get the crypto?

3 min readNov 19, 2020


If you are reading this article it’s obvious that you are interested in cryptocurrency trading. Maybe you are just starting or just thinking about that and making research which way is the best to invest in crypto?

In the market you will find many ways on how to invest in cryptocurrencies, however it is hard to decide which one is the most beneficial and doesn’t generate so much risk.

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As you know, investing in cryptocurrencies can make a huge profit, but as you can earn a lot of money, you should remember that you can also lose a big amount. Let’s see what opportunities you have.

Long term investing is the easiest way to make money on cryptocurrency. Also, is one of the most popular ways available on the market. Many people decide not to trade cryptocurrencies, but instead they are buying a certain number of coins and then put them in their wallets until the price rises so that they can make profits. If you are interested in Long term investing, remember that the important thing is to buy a valuable and in fact the most stable currency, like BTC, ETH, LTC or XRP.

It is a good way for beginners, because it’s not high risk, and if you choose good cryptocurrency it will probably be very beneficial.

Disadvantage is that it is a really long-term process, so you need to be very patient.

Contract for Difference trading, otherwise known as CFD trading, is a method that enables individuals to trade and invest in an asset by engaging in a contract between themselves and a broker, instead of opening a position directly on a certain market.

The trader and the broker agree between themselves to replicate market conditions and settle the difference amongst themselves when the position closes.

What are the main advantages of CFD trading?

Surely, the fact that you can speculate about the crypto without having a crypto seems like a very good option for beginners, but CFD requires knowledge and experience. Also, the main risk associated with CFD trading involves laverage, and is not suitable for holding a position on long-term.

The next opportunity is Crypto Day Trading. It’s a way for people who are interested in fast earning. It’s a trading strategy where investors buy and sell orders multiple times in a day. You’re looking for a low-priced opportunity to buy in and then sell it at a higher price. Though this may be a small income, in the long run, this can bring considerable profits.

That strategy it’s dedicated for more advanced traders, you need more skills and big knowledge about the market. Also, you have to invest a lot of time and energy.

As you can see, there are a lot of ways and trading strategies available on the market. CoinsLoot offers a whole new way of getting crypto. The main problem of the previously mentioned ways is high risk or a long waiting time for profit. We decided to create a platform that doesn’t require big knowledge or experience in trading. Instead of this, you can have fun during the process, and there is no risk.

In CoinsLoot we use a loot boxes system, which means that you just invest how much money you want, and draw world-class cryptocurrencies. You have no loss guarantee, always get a valuable equivalent.

Doesn’t that sound like the perfect way to invest in cryptocurrencies?

We hope that you got interested in our project, more informations you can get on:

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